Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The One Advantage of Teaching Every Day of the Week...

... is that I get to wear a different outfit each day for several weeks. At least for as long as it's still relatively warm out there...*

Because I have WAY too many clothes.


I want to start a clothes blog (can't bring myself to call it a "fashion" blog!), but the whole still-wanting-to-remain-(semi)-anonymous thing prevents me. Because I'd have to take headless photos of me or crop the head or face from the photos! I've seen that in other blogs out there, but I don't know how I'd feel about that. I think it'd be OK... (my friend Heidi suggested in a comment below that I can just take a photo of the clothes, but that wouldn't look the same as wearing them ;-)

In any case, yeah... having different outfits everyday is fun and makes me (wrongly) think that having all these clothes is a "good" thing after all.

I'm dying to write lots about my clothes (and shoes! I love shoes!), but while I don't decide whether I will or not I'll leave you with this piece of information: I do buy clothes, but a lot of my clothes were gifts from family members and friends too, so I'm not 100% to blame for this having-way-too-many-clothes "situation!"

* (my summery, warm(er) weather clothes outnumber the chilly weather ones by a lot!)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh, fun! You really should take photos of the outfits, even if you're not wearing them. You know, arrange them on a nice background or something to show color etc.