Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Eight Years!!! (a week ago)

I missed my blog-anniversary again this year (like in years 4, 5, and 6, I think, according to last year's post)! :(

The blogiversary, as some people like to call it, was precisely a week ago, so I suppose it's OK to blog about it today.

No more photos of of me as in previous years, though... I don't think I'm going to delete the ones I've posted in the past, but I am seriously considering removing my first name from the blog so I can feel safer as I continue to navigate almost having an academic life! ;) I don't know if you noticed, but I made my location less specific as well.

Eight years... so much happened!! And this past year, as I'll say again in again in end-of-the-year posts to come, was the best of all so far, which has always been the norm in mine and K's life, with the exception of 2008-09.

I still enjoy blogging way more than all the other "social media" out there. Twitter is fine, though I don't tweet, just follow people; and facebook is ok for following, but not posting, at least for me. With nearly 700 friends spanning my whole lifetime and the globe, basically, I feel really exposed there. Is that strange?

I mean... here I am, opening my heart and our lives to anonymous, random people in the internets, but I don't feel exposed, quite the contrary! Whereas on facebook I feel afraid of saying something that I don't want people who only know me from way back or as an acquaintance to know.

Besides, I just have so much to say that 140 characters or short status updates can't simply convey! I guess I'm just prolix by nature and I need room to write lots!

Well, continue to be a very happy blogger and I hope this medium doesn't ever die! :)

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