Friday, July 12, 2013

Back Home!

I'm glad to be back home, even though my husband arrived from the university right before midnight (and our 11 year old was still up, sheesh!) and he has to go back to work early tomorrow.

I'm glad to be home because even if I feel sick like I did in the wee hours of the morning today (I think it was something I ate yesterday and it was very bad, I will spare you the details) I am in my own house and I know where to find a tea to drink.

I'm especially glad to be home because it's "raining cats & dogs" outside and there's lightening & thunder (poor K had to drive in such horrible weather!) and it's the perfect weather to snuggle in my own cozy bed and cheerful green bedroom. Sigh...

SIL & nephews are coming tomorrow so they don't spend the weekend on their own. The boys will have lots of fun, it will just be hard if it rains all weekend long... :(

Let's hope it doesn't, so they can ride bikes up and down the street & we can go to the pool. Above all, I'm glad that during the weekend we'll be able to spend at least 24h with K before he resumes his work on Saturday night or Sunday morning.

OK, gotta get ready for sleep now! (I am already in bed!)

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