Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Perfect Day (With a Cherry on Top -- read to the end)

It was a great day (although I'm still overly full for having eaten way too much at our late buffet lunch/dinner). The boys enjoyed the Renoir exhibit thanks to the audio guide that was included. Kelvin listened to every single explanation, both the "family" ones and the ones for adults. I think it was a great way to introduce them to art, particularly by the artist that I loved the most when I was a child (Monet became more of a favorite later, but I never forgot my childhood love of Renoir). It was harder for Linton who didn't really understand the audio guide, but K carried him part of the way (no strollers allowed) and he was OK with it.

We stayed a bit over an hour walking around the 2nd level and a bit of the first after we exited the special exhibit, but we were in no rush to see everything* because I purchased a membership -- finally!! I can't believe I could have had a student membership all these three years and never got one -- however, the kids were way too young to really enjoy it, now is the right moment to do it (and my last eligible year too).
* I know, it's unbelievable that we hadn't gone to the Art Museum in these past three years, but I reasoned that it was too hard with the little ones underfoot. We had been there once back in 2000, so we had seen it once before. Only I feel like kicking myself now that I realized I could have had the membership and not missed the Salvador Dalí show (2004) and the Wyeths. We didn't go to those because on the tight budget that we had, spending 44 dollars to go see art felt like a bit too much, no matter how much we love it. Now I get to see Frida Kahlo in a few months for free!!! Let me know if any of you want to come along. Oh, and BTW, if you like Renoir's work, you should see the exhibit, it's really good.

We left the museum around 2:30 and we didn't know where we were going to eat (as usual... we have a hard time planning since we don't know any restaurants only the "chain ones" since we hardly ever eat out). I remembered dimly that Jeannette had mentioned (also in an anniversary post) an Indian buffet around 10th street, so we parked on 11th (past Chestnut) and asked about one and there was a really great vegetarian one on Walnut St. YAY!! So cheap too. The kids didn't eat too much, but we just stuffed ourselves with that delicious food! Then we walked to Macy's where we arrived in time to see their giant light "Christmas card" in action (every hour?) and then we saw the Dickens village (which portrays "A Christmas Carol" with half-heartedly animated figures. OK.

The phone rang when we were starting our drive back out of the city. It was K's office mate at Big Pharma with a message from his boss's boss from abroad -- he wanted to talk to K, but since he was on the cell phone, his colleague asked the boss to call K instead. In a few minutes K got the call and, as we drove around City Hall and Love Park we reached the company's headquarters -- I pointed it out to K, and he actually parked the car at the curb to finish the conversation. As it turns out, his boss's boss carved out a new position for K and he's not going to be leaving big pharma after all. Can you believe it? Yeah, neither did we. What a Christmas present! What a remarkable day and anniversary! Wow... more about that soon. And... if I can figure out how to scan with minimal hassle I'll share wedding photos later, OK? (and some photos of today too)

1. My grandmother is recovering remarkably well. I'm so thankful for that. My parents will see her in a couple of days.
2. As of yesterday, my Christmas shopping for family is DONE! I had taken a break since Thanksgiving, but I got my act together yesterday since there were only 3 more presents to get. Now I need to find something for Kelvin's teachers and his "secret friend" in school.


Dawn said...

I actually bounced in my chair and squealed just the tiniest bit!!! What a happy happy anniversary! I'm so glad for you all!!!! Oh that is just the best news EVER!!!

Aliki2006 said...


I just e-mailed you to ask about news and then checked your blog and found this post! Fantastic news! I am so happy for all of you--what an amazing miraculous event!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Now we get to hear about house happenings, dissertation and kids without a big move. Happy holidays to the four of you.

KarenM in NC

ArticulateDad said...

How wonderful. That's just great for you. I'm glad it's all finally settled down for you. Enjoy it.

Tracy said...


This is fantastic news! I'm trying to imagine you in the car, nearly jumping out of your seat with joy. YOU CAN KEEP THE HOUSE.

Life is good, Lilian. Celebrate it!

Sarah Sometimes said...

how wonderful!

Rene said...

Wow! That's so awesome! I can't believe you were able to write this whole post (as lovely as it was) and then just slip in this big news at the end.

Can't wait to see pictures of the renovation. And aren't you so glad you went ahead and planted all those bulbs? Oh, and now K3 and I will probably get the opportunity to come visit--yeah!

diber said...


i'm sosososo happy for. we do trust that thi gs will work out, but what a blessing for it to work out so easily and unexpectedly.

i'm glad you got a membership, b/c i'm getting one with my cmas money. AND i'm glad you found the indian buffet. doesn't it rock?!

Prisca said...

I guess planting the flower bulbs did the trick!! I am THRILLED for you and your wonderful family. Thank goodness you will really be able to enjoy the holiday season and take some deep breaths. I am doing a happy dance for you as I type. :)

Libby said...

oh, what great news, Lilian! Congratulations, and merry Christmas!

M said...

HOORAY!!! I'm so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! So happy for you and the absolute best Christmas present. Good things do happen to good people. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, Lilian! This is TOO AWESOME! So glad you get to stay in your house (and in this country, for that matter). What a Merry Christmas for all of you!

Cheryl said...

Enjoy your ice cream sundae. :)
I'm so glad to hear that things are turning around.

Anonymous said...

Great news! Enjoy your holiday season!

Oonie said...

Oh, WOW. With holiday crazyness I'm off my blogs--what a week to miss! I'm SO excited for you. That is great news. Congratulations and whew! What a relief!
Happy holidays & safe travels!

Scrivener said...

Wow! That's fantastic news!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

YAY!! I am so happy for you! Does this mean you can keep your house? You must be so excited! I hope all the details get settled quickly and you can relax knowing things will be stable at the start of the new year. Such great news for a celebratory day!

Happy Anniversary!! :)