Monday, May 01, 2006

Random Notes (Bees, Teething, Arrivals et ali)

  • On Saturday I was stung by a bee right on my left tigh, can you believe it? Where was I? What was I doing? I was not outside by some flowers, I was playing the piano inside the church. OK, there were several lilies there. I felt the sting and saw a red, slightly bloody mark, but didn't realize it was a bee until I felt a bug crawling on my neck (yuck!) and brushed a huge bee to the ground. I HATE being stung by bees!! Last year I was running after my cat in the yard and I stepped on one!! Luckily I removed my foot quickly and it was not so bad. Not this time, though. My tigh hurts a lot, the poison has spread and it itches terribly. I am mildly allergic to it, though not as seriously as my mom.
  • It is taking me forever to write the next post because during the day today I couldn't get Blogger to upload any pictures, and, as usual, I wanted to include tons of pictures in the post. I really don't know why I'm so obsessed with pictures, my mom thinks I'm crazy. Right now it's working OK and the post should be ready soon.
  • I'm really stubborn, if I want something to look a certain way or if I want to tell something a certain way (like all the pictures I want to add to the next post so I can "tell" my story the way I want to), I don't stop until I'm satisfied. This is pretty tough with the dissertation, particularly in the part of the collection of data. I can never stop until I'm absolutely sure that everything is precise and correct, so it takes me forever...
  • It's pathetic, because I'm trying to post all these pictures and write that post, finish this one and revise a dissertation chapter all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking!
  • I had other things I wanted to add to this "random notes" post, but I can't remember them right now. Well, the most important one was telling about the bee, since it didn't fit at all with the subject of the next post!!
  • Yay, I remembered - I wanted to say that my 23 month old is teething - the molars are coming, at least 3 of them at once (the bottom ones). He does seem to be crying and whining more than normal, so I guess it bothers him.
  • Last, but not least, my father- and mother-in-law arrive in the U.S. on Wednesday. We won't see them until Mother's Day (when we're scheduled to go to MA) because they are going straight to Massachusetts. It will be pretty interesting to see how they will adapt to living here instead of just visiting.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Ack! My friend's sister got stung by a bee on her butt last week. It flew in her underwear, if you can believe it!

Try finding some homeopathic teething tablets for your little one. They worked great for William.

I'm glad that your parents are going to be closer to you now. I really wish I had family nearby.