Saturday, July 02, 2011

The Truth Is...

... I am happy and have tons of reasons to be not only delightfully happy, but also very thankful for all the wonderful things I have (lovely family -- loving hubby & sons), good health, a nice house with a beautiful garden, etc, etc...

I have not, however, felt as happy as I should for various reasons that you're probably not interested in, but which have a lot to do with the kind of birthday celebrations I wanted to have for my 40th birthday.

OK, I cannot write this post. I am starting to cry.

Sorry. I will try again tomorrow.

There have been relatively heated and discouraging arguments with my husband and general and always unreasonable "whininess" from my part (this is my biggest and most annoying defect: being always whiny).

I know I could go on, but I'll get all whiny on you and I don't want that. That's something that has prevented me from blogging more often for years now. Sigh.

REQUEST: Is there anything you want to know about me as I approach this very depressing milestone in my "young" life? Yes, I know that 40 is the new 30 and that I'm, "oh, so young" (hahaha), but I still feel really old. I want to try to make-up somehow for the celebration I can't have in real life by trying to celebrate myself in the blog. I'm doubtful as to whether it'll work, but I can at least try, right? Can you help me?


P.S. I began to cry because my MIL just mentioned that one of my best friends who is her neighbor in Brazil was asking for my address & phone # and I know that my dear friends who are far away are thinking of me and my birthday and that warms my heart, but also makes me unbearably sad. Sigh. I want my friends. My twin friends (one of them is in Michigan, but it's pretty far from VA). OK, let me go to bed.


Anonymous said...

ohhhh I know how you feel...

what are some of the things on your to do list for the future?? Sort of a bucket list??

Happy Birthday to you regardless of what age you are, it's still your very special day!!

Aliki2006 said...

When is your actual birthday day?

I was a little blue on my 40th. I wanted a big party, although I didn't really *ask* for one, and then we traveled to MD for my birthday day and that precluded the big party with friends I wanted.

This August I'm turning 42. So you can console yourself with the fact that you are two years younger!

What would i like to know about you? Many things, but lots of them are small things I'd love to find out over a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine. Maybe in your 40th year we can finally meet and chat?

kate said...

Lots of hugs and a very happy birthday! I know it's hard, being so far away from old friends and family, and of course you have spent many years not really knowing what was coming next. I wish you peace and happieness in your 40th year!

And I would like to know, what are the 10 accomplishments (big or small) you are most proud of from your first 40 years?

supergrrl7 said...

Ok, I have more than one question

1)I want to know what you miss the most about Brazil (besides family and friends).

2)What did you find the strangest about the US when you first came?

3) How bilingual are your kids? Are you happy with their ability in both languages?