Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This is True, But People Don't Want to Listen: Forks Over Knives Documentary

I can't wait to watch this documentary, but I know that a lot of people just don't want to believe the evidence and think that food is pretty irrelevant where health issues are concerned. I've read scathing reviews of The China Study and I know that it is a very radical concept that they are presenting both in the book and in the documentary, but I think that the results of people changing their diets should speak for themselves.

I've believed in these truths all my life and, for the most part, thanks to very health and food conscious parents, lived it. I was basically cured of all my allergy symptoms when I became vegan at age 18, but I slowly went back to dairy food and though now I'm still pretty symptom free (unless I consume a lot of cheese), I believe I could have nearly eliminated the boys' chance of having asthma (they have mild cases & other allergies) if I had been careful with my diet during the pregnancy and the 5.5 years breastfeeding them. We're trying now to stick to a food based diet most of the time, but I wish I had not exposed the boys to these foods for the past 9 years. :(

Edited to add: 
Filmmakers Discuss Forks Over Knives:


Rene said...

I really want to see this, though it might put a damper on all of my ice cream making. ;-)

Zee said...

Ah, em português mesmo, pra não passar vergonha aqui: bem hoje eu escutei uma de duas senhoras gordinhas. Na fila do bufê, a atendente me pergunta se Pepsi era ok. Eu disse que não bebia refrigerante. As gordinhas do meu lado riem e comentam que há bebidas piores que Pepsi e aceitam Pepsi da atendente. Tipo...caramba, além de grossas, são ignorantes, burras, estúpidas. Tenho pavor de gente assim. Passa na cabeça desse povo que eu posso simplesmente NAO GOSTAR DE SODA ou simplesmente não poder tomar por questões médicas. Arrego. Hoje foi o dia que aturei gente igorante na rua, no Facebook...putz grilas! Quero correr pro mato e ver esse documentário!