Monday, April 27, 2009

Relief - Feeling WAY Better!

I don't have time to post right now, it's very late and I need to go to bed, but I just wanted to know that we're feeling much better. I think that we finally decided what we're going to do next year and we feel at peace with selling the house. K was feeling out of sorts and discouraged, but after receiving a phone call from a close friend last night and realizing that we were just "going with the flow" and not taking charge of certain areas of our lives, he decided that we need to find a new meaning and purpose and look forward to the future.

What a relief!

So now, hopefully, I'll have the time and energy to post some "fluff" to the blog! ;-)

1 comment:

t1 Diabetes said...

And I'm relieved you are feeling better... Letting God be in charge of your life (and going with the flow) it's equivalent to go on a bicycle ride with your eyes closed; it can be scary and you'll never know what is going on...not at first... but the destination is guaranteed to be superb, because He is on charge... you'll go further than you'd ever would by yourself. As a matter of fact If would ride alone you'd probably just go over the same old path, all over again, but you'd miss the opportunity to get where He wants you to be... Lots of love to you guys!