Thursday, August 11, 2005

Baby health update/ Another baby? NO WAY!

Linton is "back to normal". He probably had roseola, because as the rash vanished, he started eating ravenously again, and stopped being grumpy and clingy. Last night, for the first time in months (actually, I think for the first time ever!) he slept for 6 straight hours!!!!!!!!!! (then nursed quickly and continued to sleep) I could hardly believe it. Of course I didn't benefit too much because, you can see from the time I posted last time what time I went to bed : )

Yeah, I'm a night owl. And I'd like to sleep all morning if I could, but I've been getting up at 9 everyday (time my husband leaves for the train), and getting 6 hours of sleep a night on average (when my body usually begs for 9, yeah, I'm still a "child" in my need for sleep). And this morning, the bell rang at 6:40. I knew it was my next door neighbor, I'd woken up to her yelling at her teenage daughter (our houses are connected). It turned out she needed to use my computer to print a boarding passes for her daughter, who's flying to Hawaii today... She was SUPER thankful. My husband was a bit upset, but I'm usually happy helping people. Poor hubby let me sleep for 1 hour and a half more, and went in to work much later than he wanted too (thanks sweetie!).

I intended to comment on this essay from Literary Mama earlier (expatmama did too), but now seems a good time, I just won't write much, which is probably a good thing : )
I said in the past that I went through phases of really wanting another baby and phases of not really caring for one. Right now, I feel like there's no way in the world I'd want to start this all over again. Babies are cute, I love my babies, but it's just way too much work!!!!!!

See, I guess part of the reason is that Kelvin was a very easy going baby, not very independent, but then, he was the only one, and I had the time and patience to play with him, etc. But Linton, he's a whole different ball game. I know, I'm terrible at metaphors, but it's like, Kelvin's baseball (kind of slow) and Linton's basketball, very fast paced. I also thought things would be predictable, that is, I felt I knew how things were going to progress as far as how to get baby to sleep, to eat, etc. It turns out that even in these "basic" everyday things, they are so different!!! I've always loved that they have different personalities, but I thought it would not interfere so much in the "caring for the baby" process.

Well, maybe I'll change my mind again, but right now I'm too tired to think I want to do this again. And I need to record this, so I'll be reminded of it later. In the past two weeks Linton woke up every hour or too, after I put him down to sleep at night. Like a newborn!! I just couldn't take it anymore, so I'm very grateful for the way he slept last night. I hope it continues like that. If it does, I begin to see the light in the end of the tunnel, and blindly and trembing I will follow that faint glow.


Alice said...

I can so identify....will there ever be a time when Niki will sleep through the night!?! He still keeps waking every 3 hrs like a clock. :(

kate said...

Yeah, Elias has been a dream baby up until now, but his true colors are starting to shine through. And Pedro's like a game of basketball on speed. I don't know what I was thinking having two so close together, but even if we waited a few more years, I still won't be ready for another one!

Are your kids US citizens by virtue of being born there?

L said...

Sophie, the hard thing with Linton is tht he's almost 15 months, so I hoped he'd be sleeping for much longer by now!

Expat mama, it's the me thing with Kelvin (though here he's the oldest - is it any easier having the older one more "difficult" in a sense?), I'm yet to write about how my picture of perfection little boy is becoming truly mischievous. It wouldn't be developmentally right, though for him to keep on being so calm when he's 3 years old :) Oh, and yours are a bit farther apart than mine, right?

Yes, they're both US citizens for the sole reason they were born here, isn't that great?

L said...

I meant "Expat mama, it's the SAME thing with Kelvin"

Anonymous said...

I, too, can definitely relate. I have twin girls and folks are always asking "When are you going to try for the boy?" This has tapered off somewhat ever since I turned 40--thank goodness!