Friday, April 22, 2005

When it rains...

... it pours. This is one of the Anglo (what should I say, English, American? I don't know if it's either or both or whatever) expressions that I can't translate into Portuguese, and it always comes to mind even when I'm speaking Portuguese (another one is "not out of the woods yet" -- I said it yesterday to Klebert, my husband, meaning that my sore-throat problems weren't over, and he didn't even know this expression!)

Anyway... this week has been pretty hard. Well, for starters, I had a sore throat for a couple of days and now I'm hoarse and coughing a bit (I'll skip the more nasty details) -- meanwhile, Linton is teething, and nights have been not very restful, with him nursing all the time. Besides teething, he has a runny nose, which bothers him a bit (funny, but he ALWAYS has a runny nose coincinding with teething... and I know that's not supposed to be one of the symptoms). On top of that, last night I forgot to check on his diaper for a while (American diapers tend to be super absorbent, and if they're not soiled, they last several ours, as everyone knows, and I tend to simply forget, sometimes until they leak) and when I did - oh-oh! - there was a monster diaper rash waiting for me, and an almost dried out soiled diaper. Klebert says the rash has been developing for days, but I guiltily think it was all my fault. In conclusion, since he's been nursing a lot, and perhaps because of the drool of teething, or maybe something he ate, whatever... he soiled his diaper 3 more times after we found the diaper rash, and he cried piteously every time I changed him (more guilt)...

Kelvin, meanwhile, gets super clingy every time his brother's not well, and I go almost crazy, of course. I know all this shall pass, and, there are better things to think about such as Spring, beautiful Spring!! (I'll post about that later) And this weekend we're going to my brother and sister-in-law's house. They moved 3 weeks ago to Maryland - hurray! - they lived in Michigan before, and now that we're pretty close (under 3 hours away), we want to visit each other at least once a month. That should be fun! Their baby, Derek, is only 4 months younger than Linton, and it'll be great to see them grow together.

Last but not least, I do want to post some photos, let's see if I can do it soon...

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