The day was a busy one, I did three loads of laundry, which we hung outside to dry (laundry is an interesting subject I want to blog more about sometime -- I haven't used the dryer in over six months!) and I made my second batch of tomato sauce to freeze. I bought a box of very ripe tomatoes from Lancaster county for 8 dollars on Friday, peeled them all last night and then prepared the sauce today (with sauteed onions and garlic, plus herbs). Meanwhile, my parents (who came from Maryland to visit this weekend) were busy packing their suitcases and helping around the house. I wanted to go out in the afternoon with the boys and my parents (my dad decided not to go), but it was past 2 pm when we finally ate some linguine with the fresh tomato sauce and got ready to leave.
Funny as it seems (since my youngest son was so happy about the warm weather), it was hard to get the boys out of the house. They are in another one of their intense train phases* and they just want to play trains all day and into the night. Yesterday they even installed a railroad in their bedroom and played for hours (the trains and tracks are always in the basement). So, I guess today marked the first day the boys simply refused to go to Longwood Gardens with my mom and I.

I was really h

Tomorrow I'll be back with a post about my childhood and being a parent. Oh, and of course it's past 1 am on Monday, but I tweaked with the day to keep this post with the Sunday date.
* Their obsession for trains seems to be a permanent one. There are "lulls" or periods in which they play with something else, but they always go back to their trains (the [evil plastic] battery operated Thomas & Friends trains). We do have lots of engines (upwards of 17! They lined them all up on the dining room table today), tons of the old blue tracks and one set of the new "Trackmaster" beige tracks. I think we haven't wasted a penny with the money spent on these trains (which was not that much, considering that many of them were gifts).
That gives me some hope--I am a little afraid that cars are replacing trains here and while we have no battery powered ones I cringe to wonder how many engines we have, let alone cars.
Did you know Longwood has a garden railway this fall? Maybe you can talk them in to it yet! Let me know if you want to meet there some afternoon!
Hi O... my boys have two sets of generic wooden tracks and some trains, but they NEVER got excited about those... I guess that the fact they can choose to either let the battery operated trains go (there are two remote controlled ones too) by themselves or pull them with their hands does make it more fun.
We've been garden passholders at Longwood for five years this month and we always enjoy the Fall railway. The boys have always looked forward to it in the Fall, but I guess yesterday they just didn't want to leave the house.
If I'd known that you were a passholder at Longwood too, I would definitely have tried to meet with you there before! Let's plan to do it in the future.
Lilian I am so sorry I never got back to you about going to Longwood at the end of summer. I contracted Lyme disease and found out I had glaucoma at the same time and I was just overwhelmed with health issues and doc. appt.s before school started. I really am sad we missed going. Let's try another time OK?
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