To top it of, today I'm babysitting overnight for my friend and I have another 7 year old and a 9 y.o. (both boys) in addition to my two. Thankfully we're going to have dinner at another friends' house (potluck style) and I'll have the boys take their showers there before we come back home and they (hopefully) collapse in bed.
So, yeah... boring entry, but I wanted to post again, even if briefly.
Oh, on a funny note, today I finally cleaned up a tiny, but unsightly "booger smear" (ah!! boys...) behind the big couch in the living room. It was one of the little things that had never been taken care off since we put the house for sale and we were actually joking the other day that we hadn't sold the house because of that. What if it works? Keep your fingers crossed! ;-P
OK, and for some "good juju" as my friend Chicagomama used to say, here's a photo for ya:
1 comment:
Vixe, imagino a canseira de arrumar tudo a cada visita...aqui em casa a gente praticamente só arruma as coisas quando vem visita!hehehe
Cunhado chegou nesse sábado, bati o maior papo com a Márcia, gente boa de tudo os dois!
Boa semana pra vc!
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