Thursday, March 01, 2012

Because Packing for a 10 Day Trip Is Not Enough...

... I committed to bringing (home baked [vegan]) cupcakes for my sons's class tomorrow, since he won't be here on his birthday, May 9th.

... and I have to submit mid-term grades for 24 students whose papers and journals I haven't even read.

Well... at least I did piles of laundry so when we come back with 10 days of dirty clothes, I won't have to do laundry right away. Now... how am I going to find time to put away those clothes?

And the cherry on the cake? We don't leave until Saturday afternoon, but... just wait for this one. The only date the nearly 2h away clinic for vision therapy had to do my youngest son's 2h long evaluation was... you guessed it, tomorrow afternoon! At 2:30 pm!!

Because my dad is paying for the treatment and has been asking me every single time I talk to him or my mom (which is nearly every day) if I've taken L to the doctor yet and we'll meet them in Africa, I really jumped at the chance to go tomorrow.

That means that we need to be all packed and ready to leave by NOON tomorrow when we'll take the cupcakes to the boys' school and pick them up. After the doctor's visit we'll head to my brother-in-law's house in Maryland because it's 1h from the airport as opposed to 1h40 minutes from our place.

Crazy, huh? Please send positive thoughts and any free energy that you have left my way, dear friends, 'cause I'll need it!

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