Monday, June 22, 2009

On Paper

The mail carrier just arrived and rang the bell because I had to sign for a delivery and there was an express UPS envelope by the door. It was from the bank, with the paperwork for the renegotiation of our loan. So after it's signed, notarized and mailed back to them, we will remove the sign from the front lawn. It will no longer be the "tombstone to our buried dream."
(taken on April 24)
The dream is alive again. And I have no words to express what a gift that is to me, to our family. I no longer have to choke back tears when the boys ride their bikes on the driveway all day long or wonder what things I have to give away or pay to store (not that we don't need de-cluttering, we do and I will get rid of things, I promise ;-). In sum, we live on, waiting for the next challenge, looking forward for K's job searches this fall and next year (if needed). Hopefully we'll move only when he has a full time job, exactly as we've always wanted, but only dared to dream about.

What a relief... Thank you so much for all your well wishes, your prayers and positive thoughts on our behalf. I'm so glad that we never got an offer on the house! It wasn't meant to be, we were meant to stay. Wonderful!


Anjali said...

Oh, Lilian.

Welcome home, my friend.

Oonie said...

I can feel your relief from here. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

t1 Diabetes said...

Wonderful! Praise the Lord! See... Help was on the way. God is good!

kate said...

What a wonderful thing! I'm so happy for you.

ArticulateDad said...


Sarah Sometimes said...

This is such great news! Hurray!

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