Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Always at the Last Minute...

I really wish I could be a neat, organized, planning ahead kind of person, but I'm not. I'm the queen of procrastination and when it comes to packing before travel, another one of my long list of defects makes my progress even worse: I have a terrible problem with having to make decisions (I "inherited" that from my dad), I guess I could say I'm a chronic "undecided." Simply having to decide which clothes to take or not to take seems to consume an amount of energy that I don't have, so I keep postponing the task, or merely accumulating loads of things I want to bring, without deciding which won't ultimately go.

As many procrastinators, I do a lot of things related to traveling and packing beforehand. I do separate the clothes I'm sure I'm taking several days before, I do a load of laundry with some other clothes I want to bring. I do my best not to buy more food and to empty the fridge, but... I still leave most essential things for the last minute and I generally don't sleep on the night before a trip. (Deep sigh...)

So, now I have to go finish packing and cleaning the kitchen, and we do have a mid-morning flight, so wish us luck! I'll try to blog and read blogs while we're away, but I don't know how our internet access will be, so if you don't see me during the next two weeks, I'll be back later and I'll be sure to share some pictures!

P.S. Hubby had a great trip (his favorite part was actually the short length of it - I just can't believe that!). I picked him up this morning at JFK (I spent the night at a friend's house). It's amazing to me that yesterday (OK, two days ago, it's Tuesday already) he had lunch with some of our best friends in Brazil and their kids, who are the same age as ours. I was looking at the photos a few hours ago and I was moved to tears at how much I miss all of them. It's hard to think that we may never live there anymore and share more than a few hours every year or so with them, that's unbearably sad, but may be true. Sorry to end on a sad note like this... (I'm actually quite excited about the trip, though :)


Aliki2006 said...

Have a *wonderful* trip! I can't wait to see pictures and to hear all about it!

Left-handed Trees... said...

I have enjoyed "catching up" on your blog now that my hiatus is done...I hope your vacation is fun and relaxing--looking forward to checking back in! --Delia--

Anonymous said...

Donde se meteu-se? O Klebert passou por aqui e a gente teve um almoço delicioso na Regina domingo. We missed you.

Juliet said...

I always forget things on vacation, too. Usually pajamas! I hope all goes smoothly for you.

And I am sorry about missing your friends. I know first hand how heartbreaking that is. *hugs*

diber said...

Have a great time!!!

Great to find another mom, academic, Philly blogger... ;-)