Thursday, May 11, 2006


I had this "bright" idea while writing a list in the car last Sunday - I wrote it right in the bottom of piece of spare blank paper where I was writing my list, so it doesn't look as good as it would if the paper had lines. I hope those of you with scanners can post something similar. In this "digital world" of typing, we sometimes forget to write the old fashioned way, don't we? I think a person's handwriting says a lot about his or her personality. What's the name of that "science" that interprets handwriting?

Edited to add: I forgot to include how I write my name, I guess that's one of the words we write more during our lives, particularly when we're younger. Here you go:

P.S. 1 For those who didn't see them by any chance - don't forget to check the cute pictures in the previous post :)

P.S. 2 I should be packing for our trip now! Can you tell I hate packing? (even more than unpacking)


Anonymous said...

Great idea! I'm gonna do the same!

In this "digital world" of typing, we sometimes forget to write the old fashioned way, don't we?

Yes, that's true, I think. My own handwriting has really deteriorated since I've spent so much time w/a keyboard. (My spelling, too, but that's a slightly different issue.) And that's an area that my geeky, teachers' pet younger self had so much pride in: I got so much credit for my beautiful handwriting during my school years.

Juliet said...

Our handwriting looks kind of similar. Are you, by any chance, left-handed as well? I learned cursive in 3rd grade, by the way.

I will try scanning in my handwriting this weekend in Michigan, if I get a chance. (We don't have a scanner.)

Anonymous said...

It's true. I used to write letters and a long time I don't take use a pen...Do you mind if I post this on my blog, but in portuguese? Tell me if is ok or not.
How are you doing? Did you ever tried to install that template?
Take Care.

Anonymous said...

Your handwriting is much nicer than mine. My handwriting it so atrocious everyone thinks it belongs to a twelve year old boy. I maintain it is because I use the computer all the time and hardly ever type anymore, so I am out of practice!

Alice said...

this is such a neat idea! I posted my handwriting as well on my blog! I love this, you can tell a lot about a person based on their handwritin (I used to dabble around with amateur graphology once) :)

kate said...

Oooh, too bad our scanner isn't working. Neat idea!

Here kids learn to read and write in cursive first, too. It drives me crazy. I mean, the only thing he will see written in cursive in these early years are those silly books-written-for-children (and by that I do NOT mean actual children's literature; more the crap you can buy in supermarkets). All around them are signs, cereal boxes, real books, labels, etc. all printed-- so it would be much more useful and motivating to learn to read and write like that.

Sorry for the rant-- can you tell I am a bit passionate about the subject? :)