Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Plans & Dreams for the Future (40th Birthday Preview Post 1)

Thanks for the dear friends who sent me questions and encouragement in the comments to the previous post. I will answer the questions in the order I got then, OK? :)

My friend Cloves & Cinnamon asked:

"what are some of the things on your to do list for the future?? Sort of a bucket list??"

Well... I am always hesitant to do "things to do before you die" lists, because my list is just too long and I really want to do so many of the things, such as visiting lots of marvelous places and reading some significant books.

In any case, there are some things, however, that I not only dream of doing, but that I am firmly planning to do in the next ten to fifteen years:

- take photography classes (after I fulfill my dream of getting a "real" camera) and learn to take good photos;

- establish and lead a "study abroad" summer program in Brazil at our university and get to go to Brazil for a month every summer for free! ;)

- hopefully have a more permanent position at work (this is just a wish, it doesn't depend on me at all) or find an alternative job or something that can help our family be better off financially;

- take my sons to Europe several times, to London, to Portugal & Spain, to France, Italy, etc.

- live in Europe (probably in Paris -- that's where my husband would easily find research work, how lovely, huh?) for at least six months and get to travel around during that time. My dream is for this to happen in six years when K gets to have his sabbatical. The boys will be 16 and 14, maybe a bit too old, but I hope they can still enjoy it (the plan is that they will know French by then -- Kelvin already wants to learn);

- send the boys to live in Brazil for at least one year. It would be cool if I could go too, but probably unpractical;

- buy a hot tub for the back patio and do some home renovations (appliances & counter in kitchen, new floors in kitchen and bathrooms);

There are more things, but small list is a beginning. It's fun to think about the future. Thanks G!

Now, I'm thinking of Kate's question. I'll answer it tomorrow! If you have any other questions, send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. I always liked the idea of living abroad and I don't think 16 & 14 are too old for the boys I think they'd enjoy it...

    Hopefully you will be able to do all of these!!!
