Wednesday, July 08, 2009

On NOT Opening a Window

So, I'm calling the insurance and the doctor to get my current contraceptive removed and replaced so we can avoid having babies for the next five years. Sigh.

I'm getting it done in spite of the fact that yesterday, on my birthday, I was "deliriously" thinking that this was my last window of opportunity (again! I know! And just two weeks ago I said I was almost "recovered" from this!) -- the chance of removing the contraceptive and having another baby even before my 39th birthday, but I will act rationally and not do it, for reasons I have exhaustively discussed here and elsewhere.

So, yeah... as soon as the phone rings from the doctor's office, the appointment will be made and this will be it. The beginning of the end of my reproductive years. I should be relieved because babies ARE too much work, but no... I just feel nostalgic.

I should follow my own advice and go read the journals from after Kelvin and Linton's birth, right? Or go visit my friend with the newborn (no... that might steer me in the opposite direction! ;-).

1 comment:

  1. AD & I spent a delightful few days ALONE last week at a seculded b&b ... the younger two were left with my parents. The subject of breastfeeding came up, as I suspected the trip might mean V is weaned (it didn't). In any case, I was getting nostalgic and said something like "I guess I won't be breastfeeding anymore, unless ..." .
    Well, that's all the further I got, since that "unless" has been unthinkable around here. I love my boys dearly, but they are so EXHAUSTING! Anyway, I find myself imagining another baby as my youngest nears 2 years old, because babies are just so darn cute. You'll note, however, it took two days AWAY from the boys to bring this feeling on. Maybe we shouldn't go on more romantic getaways. ;)
