Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Sad Goodbye to our (Formerly) Trusty Odyssey Minivan

Back on Wednesday, March 11, we had to say goodbye to our van after it got a rejected sticker after inspection. My husband wrote this moving eulogy to his family's WhatsApp group and posted the photo below. I translated and also shared she text in Portuguese. I always lovey husband's writing!

Today was the day of goodbye. Our dear Honda  Odyssey, that took us all the way from "North to South" of the U.S. is gone. It traveled more than 200 thousand miles on the roads, [in] more than 10 years of service. Its seats carried out family comfortably all these years. Now, corroded by time and tired by long journeys, time has come to recycle it.  

At the end, as a thank you note for having served our family for so long, we received 220 dollars. A dollar for each thousand miles of service. 

Hoje foi o dia do adeus. A nossa querida Honda Odyssey, que nos levou do 'Oiapoque ao chuí' ianques se foi. Foram mais de 200 mil milhas de estrada, mais de 10 anos de serviço. Os seus assentos carregaram confortavelmente nossa família todos esses anos. Agora, corroída pelo tempo e  cansada de longas jornadas, chegou a hora de se reciclar.

Ao final, como nota de agradecimento por ter servido a nossa família por tanto tempo, recebemos 220 dólares pela sua aposentadoria: um dólar para cada mil milhas de serviço.

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