Friday, October 26, 2012

Tomorrow I'll have to pull-over to nap at the Rest Area


About every other week I need to pull over at one of the three rest-areas* on my 76 mile commute to take a power nap so I can reach home safely.

But I'm OK with that.

I'm just hoping that I won't feel like taking a nap on my way to work tomorrow morning!! (last Tuesday I was really sleepy on the way).

In fact, I'm glad that I've been able to pull this long commute off caffeine-free (I really don't want to deal with being dependent on it). I do carry a bottle of ice cold water  to drink and that helps a lot! (I keep it in a cooler with an ice-pack in the car during the day)

Right now the most annoying thing in my life is that I lost or misplaced my iphone's charging/syncing cord as well as the new apple ear buds that came with it (29 bucks!!). I HATE earbuds, but these are AMAZING, they actually fit my ears perfectly. So I'm miserable without them and maintaining two phones with one cable is nearly impossible (I almost ran our of juice today as I stayed overnight at new-job-town and couldn't charge my phone. I did shut it down overnight and during teaching times and that helped).

OK, now I have to go finish some grading and class prep for tomorrow before I can hit the sack. sigh...

* I don't actually drive in front of the rest area just a few miles from my house, but I see it very closely from the parallel road I take to reach my house faster.

1 comment:

  1. My son claims that eating an apple will keep you awake as much as a cup of coffee.
