Thursday, August 25, 2011

What about working without being paid?


I'm just so stressed out right now! Just what I needed when I need all the energy I can muster to put the finishing touches in my syllabi and my planning for the new semester that starts next week.

Sigh again.

It just so happens that if I don't get 2 extra students for my 200 level language class, it will get cancelled and then I will NEED to teach it as an independent study for the other students (5!) and obviously I get paid NOTHING to do that.

I did independent studies with three students in the past year, but I didn't mind because I was already teaching my two classes and these students were in their very last semester and worked really hard. One student did a whole semester in two months last Fall and the other two had a time conflict with my class (which then had only 6 students) and met with me once a week all through Spring.

Now, doing an independent study with 5 students (2 of which are really weak and need lots of help) will be just too much! And what's worse, chances are that the next (and last) 200 level class won't happen next semester again and will need to be an independent study (in spite of the fact that I have one student that may return, I just saw him today) so these students can graduate.

Someone please wake me up and tell me it was just a nightmare!!

The only thing I can do right now is to say to the chair of the department that they will have to ask the former Portuguese instructor (the one who is a full time staff member -- not tt) and who receives a full time salary (as far as I know) to do it. But then I risk being told that I'm not coming back to teach as an adjunct again. Sigh.

To add insult to injury, in the 101 class I have 18 students. How many of them are seniors? (who won't be taking the 200 level): 7. Ha... ha... ha...

OK, I should go work on my syllabi and quit the whiny blogging. Sorry!!!

1 comment:

  1. Really?? You're expected to work for free? I think that is a bit much.

    All through my son's growing up years, we paid for instruction such as music lessons or tutoring. I would never think to ask someone to do it for free. Everyone has bills to pay.

    Are there any grants that could be utilized?

    I'm really having a problem with the US expecting young adults (and others) to put in time in an unpaid internship. It seems that these folks or their parents are supposed to support them while corporate America (or higher education) gets free services.

    Not right...

    KarenM in NC
