Friday, October 22, 2010

. . .

They have nothing for me.

Now we need to decide. I'm speaking to my current dept. chair first thing on Monday to talk about future prospects of more permanent employment.

We'll make a final decision by Monday. It's a really, really tough one. We'll see, but maybe we're not going. More later.


  1. Wow. Time to think hard. There are pros and cons, and a bunch of them, to each situation. Good luck to you in making the family decision!

  2. Oh, that's tough. Was so hoping they'd have something for you.

  3. Sometimes the greatest opportunities in life arise from discovering that the limousine we were expecting is not to be; instead finding ourselves in the saddle of an ornery burro, without a map and the reins firmly in our own grasp. Steer on my friend. The canyon awaits.

  4. Well, damn. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you find peace in the options available to you!

  5. I hope that everything works out, somehow.

  6. Bummer! But as others have said, I hope you are happy with the eventual outcome of this big decision. Good luck!

  7. Ugh...I was keeping my fingers crossed for you. But Articulate Dad, as usual, put it the best.
