Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Still Busy, Still Waiting

Thanks for commenting in the last post, my friends, you know it does mean a lot to me to know you're out there. It makes everything easier and the experience of blogging more meaningful.

I'm still busy, this time trying to send out a few job applications. Surprisingly there are several adjunct, part-time and even a couple of full time openings in area colleges! They're not exactly in my area, but I'll try.

The weekend was busy too, we went to a state park where a family of friends was camping and we all went canoeing and kayaking in the lake and then later ate delicious grilled veggies (and other goodies) at our friends' campsite. On Sunday the same friends had a birthday party for their son. Oh, and Saturday was my younger son's fifth birthday. I do want to post photos to celebrate the day, but I'm also busy trying to empty out the hard-drive of tons and tons of photos (upwards of 72 GB, from 06 to now), leaving them only in the external drive. I do take too many pictures.

And the waiting continues -- yours for my photos, us for the house to sell. I have a feeling it is NOT going to sell after all and that we'll need to figure out something to keep on paying the mortgage. The saddest thing for me if that happens is having to probably give up on my dream to home-school (cyber-school, actually) the boys... :-( But we'll see.

The market is unspeakably bad right now. It really couldn't be worse. Which makes the timing of our tough situation so discouraging!

I don't want to keep complaining about this, though, I really don't, mostly because I'm feeling OK now about all this. Phew! It's a relief not to be in the depths of despair all the time anymore. In fact, I can't remember when I last felt hopeless despair (well, all I have to do is to check some blog posts from last month, I'm sure!). It's a welcome change, this feeling of peace and... numbness? Life has got to go on, right? That's why I have to go to bed now. Bye.

P.S. I can't believe June is already here. Time's flying. Mercifully.

1 comment:

  1. The park experience sounds lovely. I miss camping.

    And three cheers for the existence of job possibilities and for the initiative to go after them! Good luck!

    Have you ever thought about opening up your own small little school? Just home/cyber schooling a couple other kids alongside your own? One of my friends did it for several years and it seemed to work out great for her.
