Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Things I Dream of Doing or Post Dissertation Resolutions

When the dissertation is done I dream of...

~Re-organizing my photos and putting them into semi-scrapbook albums (I use most of my photos, not just a selected few, crop some, use some stickers and special paper, but cannot stand full-blown scrapbooking).

~ Making more online photo albums for family and friends who are away, maybe even ordering some nice photo books.

~ Continuing to work on the house renovation projects.

~ Joining the Y with the family and having the boys take swimming and gymnastic lessons.

~ Exercising there too. I'm seriously lacking in this area.

~ Gardening as much as possible.

~ De-cluttering my house and trying to keep my stuff more organized.

~ Using an online tool to classify our books and CDs.

~ Watch more DVDs.

~ Cook more healthy and varied meals for our family.

~ Go more often to Longwood Gardens. I'm absolutely heartbroken that I haven't been there in over three months.

~ Join the Zoo and visit with the boys (although I don't like zoos too much, I feel depressed for the animals).

~ Blog more.

Just enjoying life and spending time with my family and friends.

P.S. I just sent the only chapter that was overdue to two of my committee members. I'll work on it some more and email it to the other two. Slowly but surely this is going to end!


  1. They all sound lovely to me and I hope you will be able to dive into the whole photo album project.

    I have been reading even if I'm not commenting, Lilian-- I'm honestly so disheartened at the moment about my own work that it's been hard to be of much support. I AM actually cheering you on in my own unusually quiet way. I know your defense will be wonderful and affirm all of your hard work. Keep it up!

  2. Just think how amazing you'll feel when it's all done! I'm feeling so excited for you already...

  3. This is soooo what I want to do too. I still have a wedding album to put together, I got a brand new/very cute scrapbook from our Aunt and never put together. Oh, I wish I was done so I could take care of my house.

  4. Espero que você consiga cumprir tudo que está na lista.
    Eu adooooro fazer listas desse tipo, o problema é que no final poucos coisas são colocadas em prática. Sempre digo 'dessa vez vai ser diferente', mas a preguiça é maior =P

  5. Esqueci de dizer como achei o seu blog... Bem, na verdade eu nem lembro direito. Eu comecei com essa história de blog quando pesquisando alguma coisa na net acabei entrando em um sem querer, mas o assunto tava interessante e fui ficando. Daí teve um post que ele indicou outro, este indicou outro e aí o negócio começou a desandar pq me viciei em fuçar (seja lá como se escreve essa palavra) a vida do povo =D
    Hoje acompanho um montão de blogs, a maioria de mães e sobre o Canadá - passei meses pesquisando sobre o processo de imigração, mas nos últimos tempos meu esposo desanimou um pouco dessa idéia porque ele quer enveredar pela vida acadêmica por aqui...

  6. i love your list - i too hope to get to some projects - like finish a novel i'm trying to read, or starting a little garden out back, or building a bookcase for my kids. ah, the life of an academic :)ve

  7. Wonderful resolutions. Life: good. Just be true to yourself, all your selves.
