Monday, November 13, 2006

Still There?

It feels like I haven't blogged for such a long time (hence the question in the title), but it has been less than a week. I'd made a kind of "resolution" to post more often, but life has been intervening. I guess I'm not participating of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) for a reason :) although I'm enjoying imensely to read daily (or almost daily :)) posts by some of my favorite bloggers such as Sandra (Here in Korea), Jody (Raising WEG), Chigagomama, and Susan (ReadingWritingLiving). Did I forget anyone in my blogroll that is participating? And meanwhile, I miss the posts by those NaNoWriMo participants Jo and Kateri (I know Sandra is trying to do both!).

anyway, we've had some crazy days around here and I'm really exhausted. My husband went to Brazil for the weekend and thankfully is returning this morning. Trip preparations kept us busy last week, and then I had the kids full time for four nights and three days. Did I mention that I'm exhausted? Well, yes, and to make me even more exhausted just thinking about it, he's going again this weekend, can you believe it?

So I wouldn't have to be here all by myself all weekend, on Saturday evening, after a really looong day at church, I drove to Maryland to spend less than 24 hours with my brother- and sister-in-law and my two cute nephews. The boys had a great time, they didn't want to leave. Good for them that we're going back there on Thursday (hubby's leaving from Dulles) and then on Sunday.

Well, I do take responsibility for part of my exhaustion, since I do get involved in many things such as leading a singing group and cooking (for church) and last week I also helped out a Brazilian "neighbor" (she lives in the next town over, some 10 blocks away), taking her and her twin kids shopping in a Luso-Brazilian market in New Jersey on Friday while I should be cleaning, cooking, and preparing for the group practice (in my home every Friday night) + impromptu surprise birthday party for one of the members. But a lot of my tiredness is caused by having to care for the boys and get up at 5 am to give Linton breakfast. Well, more on that later. I have to go clean my kitchen which is a wreck from all the cooking I did on Friday and Saturday morning, and try to prepare something for my husband to have for lunch. And we're picking him up at the airport in less than 2 hours.


  1. I missed the deadline to sign up for NaBloPoMo, but I've been trying nonetheless to post every day. I don't post to both blogs every day, though...

    Glad you made it through the weekend!

  2. I didn't know there wasn't even such a think as NaBloPoMo! I would've liked to participate .. but would've probably failed at it, shamefully.

    My dh is in Brasil again for two weeks. Bugger!!!

  3. Don't feel so bad, Lil - remember, I haven't blogged in over 10 months. My virtual world is slowly slipping away.
    I hope your hubby had a good and safe trip.

  4. Alo cambio, vc eh a Lilian do Klebert? To achando jah q o link tava no blog do nao for, foi mal...Eh pra comentar soh em ingles???
    bom, all new to that blog world, mine is just 2 months, while baby is 4! But I share the exact same feeling! And while baby sleeps and I shoudl be studying, here am I, "blogging"

    see ya,
