Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Very Hungry Catterpillars

Two Sundays ago we had lunch at our friends' house in North Philadelphia because they wanted to say good-bye to my parents, who were supposed to leave last Tuesday (7/25) , a week earlier than anticipated (and now they'll probably leave a week or two later than anticipated).

The grilled salmon was awesome and later the kids had a great time in their back yard, which has a small pond with a fountain on it. We were observing their plants (they have several grape vines, a peach tree and many others) when our host found out three huge catterpilars that were devouring his beautiful tomato plants. I was delighted, because I had never seen these kinds of green catterpillars that looks like the one in our most beloved of Eric Carle's books. The catterpillars I have seen growing up in Brazil never looked anything like Carle's catterpillar...I called the kids to see the "very hungry catterpillars," which seemed to be very hungry indeed, given the devastation they had done in the tomato plant. And I went ahead and took tons of pictures, which I now have to share with you, of course!

The devastation:

The culprit:
In action:

Enjoying catterpillars at 6 months:

And 26 months:

More fun catterpillar photos for your enjoyment:
Catterpillars poop, like everyone else:
Do you know how catterpillar poop is shaped? I do:It's like a flower!
(you can click on this and any other photos to enlarge)

Well... enough of catterpillars for now. I hope you enjoyed the photos!


  1. Thanks for sharing--we had a caterpillar experience recently, too. Fun, fun.

  2. Cool! Great photos. What a great experience.

  3. I love the caterpillar pictures!! By the way, I wrote a long post comment in response to *your* long comment!!

  4. Very fun--the poop pictures were secretly my favorite--how immature am I?

  5. Hmm, I'd never seen caterpillars like that, either-- great pictures! Sorry about the tomatoes...

  6. hehe, what cute pictures! We have the book too, it's great, isn't it?

  7. So cute. hehe WIlliam loves that book!

  8. My 19 month old son loves this book too, mainly because he can poke his finger through the holes. :)

    Great pictures!
