Wednesday, February 22, 2006

To-Do List

I really need a to do list right now because there are so many deadlines coming up for me, so since I've seen some blogging friends do it (and until I can figure out how to put one in my side bar), I'll post one as well.

I know it must be boring, to read other people's lists, but after this post we'll go back to our regularly scheduled program, OK?

Things to do:

- Make to-do list
- OK, now, figure out how to cross items out (I know, I'm really stupid, can anybody help?
- Call to schedule doctor's appointment for Kelvin (Only after March 20)
- Mail invitations to Kelvin's 4th birthday party
- Finish reading the Literary Mama Anthology and write blog post for blog book tour - coming up on Feb. 28.
- Cook and prepare decorations for Kelvin's birthday party (March 5)
- Buy present for Kelvin
- Submit bibliography fellowship application (due March 1st)
- Write abstracts for conference (due March 1st and 15)
- Write birth story birthday post (March 9)
- Write paper for conference presentation (March 23-26)
- Write and submit article for publication until the end of March
- Continue working on dissertation (more on that in an upcoming post)

Wish me luck!

Edited to add:
P.S. Thanks to Amber at American Family for crossing our words in her blog posts, so I could go look at the source code and figure out how to do it!!


  1. So you learnt how to cross things out!!! how do you do that????

  2. It's quite simple, Clo, but I have to emnail you the explanation because blogger won't let me use the Html tags in the comment post!
