Sunday, February 24, 2013

Argo is Awesome

Ok... Awesome is not the right word here, but I just couldn't resist writing it because it sounded so well. ;-)

It's a really great movie, though. I don't know if it has all it takes to win an Oscar, but maybe it does, given the contemporary Iran crisis. I definitely enjoy based-on-a-true-story movies more than others!

In spite of my anger at the film industry, I though it was ok to pay 5 bucks to stream it in HD as opposed to 26 (for K & I) at the theater.

I wish I'd had time to see more Oscar nominated flicks (the only other one I saw -- and loved -- was Life of Pi), but I guess I'll enjoy watching get Academy Awards regardless of that. I think I want to see Lincoln & Zero Dark 30.

Ok... I guess I've made my commercial for today! :-)

P.S. most importantly I'm delighted we have a new tv & antenna so I can watch the oscars this year!


Rene said...

Good to know. I keep hearing similar reviews. We're going to try and watch it today.

Amanda said...

We watched it in a tiny theatre in Stowe, VT. All of us were so invested that we applauded together at the end and walked out with a sort of shared triumph. I loved it!