Monday, January 18, 2010

Anonymous Comments Are ALWAYS Negative

How nice, no?

Why do people have to hide behind anonymity to say something bad to you? I find this ridiculous. Why even comment? Just to make people feel bad? Why are they even reading the blog?

Of course I have to admit first and foremost that I'm an idiot for having a blog in the first place and writing boring an annoying things about my personal life. I should know better right?And I should actually be thanking the universe because I have had basically no trolling here. Of course... I'm not a famous blog, those bear the brunt of the trolling in the blogosphere.

Now, don't I already know there was NO PLANNING whatsoever and ridiculous negligence of our part already in this and that? Thanks for pointing the obvious out, anonymous WIMP.

P.S. I also know it's childish and stupid of my part to be annoyed by this, but it's a pattern -- this anonymous posting of negative things -- and I wanted to comment on it. However imature of my part...

Edited to add: Perhaps I should just ban anonymous commenting, right? Heather Armstrong did a good move when she created her community and had only members comment in her blog. I'm all for freedom of expression, though. I just have to get used to it.


t1 Diabetes said...

Lilian, voce pode colocar seu blog em "pre-approved" mode para os comentarios, voce tem que aprovar comentarios antes que eles aparecam... apague os comentarios negativos e nao de muito atencao a eles, porque e' exatamente esse tipo de atencao que eles estao querendo... I'm sorry you had so much trouble in Brazil... hope you get home safe!

ArticulateDad said...

Remeber this, L: There are no anonymous hugs.