Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last Day

K just left for his last day (more like last morning) at Big Pharma.

I don't know how I feel about that. Except for the big paycheck and him getting early home from work, I think we won't miss this job. K is certainly very excited and motivated to go back to academia and begin his second postdoc in September. It was as rough "in-between" year for him with next to nothing accomplished due to the shaky situation at work, and I know he's looking forward to moving on.

We'll have him with us (well, with the house renovation projects) for a few weeks and then the long commute and long hours begin... :-(

It'll be OK, though. He's doing the right thing.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like it IS the right thing, Lilian. Best of luck!

ArticulateDad said...

It's far better to drive and risk getting lost, than to ride in the back and wonder at the passing scenery. The difficulties fade, and we're left with our choices and our will. Here's wishing you a mild season of discomfort, and fantastic journey from here to there.